Gospel Message

Pastor Martin sharing the gospel in Spanish

Pastor Jorge sharing the gospel in English


Below you can watch some of our wonderful Tri-Valley Seek & Save brother & sisters share how Christ has changed their life.

“Before Jesus I was confused, broken, addicted to meth and homeless”

“Trying to fill a void”

“Since I fully surrendered to Jesus and accepted him; my life is beyond my wildest dreams”

“I am no longer a slave to anything or anyone”

“The old me would say he would do anything and everything he could”

“But after some work; I now say he was broken which led to more brokenness”

“He (Jesus) took everything away, hard process but in the end he gave back ten fold”

“What I thought was lost was actually gain.”

“In a word; transformation”

“He redefined me as a father and man”

“I struggled with every type of sin you can think of”

“I no longer live for myself but for Jesus Christ.”

“It is an agape love that you never experienced before”

“My life before Jesus came into my heart was chaotic”

“It was hopeless”

“I suffered from alcohol and drugs”

“I was extremely violent “

“I was looking to find who I was but looking into the world”

“Since I have been adopted and saved by Jesus, He showed me my worth”

“Given me an identity”

“Given me new hope”

“I operate out of compassion”

“My life before Jesus was dark, a lot of trauma, domestic abuse”

“I was searching to fill a void and always searched in the wrong places. Turned to drugs”

“I was never satisficed with those things.”

“But now my PTSD doesn’t control me anymore”

“Anything that I do in my life today goes through God first”

“His peace, love and mercy shines through me”

“I am overflowing with the blessing from the Lord”

“My life was very dark, very confusing”

“Depression would over take my life and my family”

“8 years ago I was introduced to Christ”

“I feel like a new person, I feel loved all the time”

“I feel I can give to others, I feel like I have a purpose”

“Everyday is a new experience with him”

“I get to share the love and joy he gives me”