Praise Report


Tri-Valley Seek & Save

Hear from some of our wonderful brothers & sisters who we are blessed to do life with.

Click the video below


Harvest Banquet

In case you missed it; here is a recap of our second annual Harvest Banquet event. Please consider joining us next year!

Easter Baptism Recap

The Lord's Rescue MISSION Example:  How it works w God- From Great Need to The Lords Provision-

At every stage, prayer was the core: See how Jesus opens so many doors๐Ÿ˜Š We are One Church!


  1. Missionary Richard (Came to Christ at Arukah) met a younger man in Need (and prayer) at Safeway- This adult son and his mom had run out of funds. They had no shelter, car, work, or contacts in the valley. Richard provided immediate help and called TVSS while at Safeway. TVSS funded initial days at a local hotel, Monthly Miracles, City Serve and Cornerstone partnered with us to cover about three weeks.

  2. Celebration & Cornerstone provided clothes, hygiene, food, a hotel fridge, and an air fryer

  3. Two days after first contact, Mom and Son went to Cornerstone Friday am to meet resource providers- City Serve and Monthly Miracles

  4. Mom and Son both engaged in job searches and started to work two weeks after initial contact

  5. Mom and son started paying hotel costs after three weeks

  6. The son joined TVSS as a Missionary serving in a host of capacities and projects

  7. Seven weeks in, mom and son qualified for a two-bedroom apartment in Livermore

  8. Through a TVSS Missionary connection- Abode Housing allocated $6,500 for the security deposit and first two months of rent

  9. Move-in last Friday - Monthly Miracles, Arukah, and Celebration Church has outfitted the home with all furnishings

  10. Last Need- A car- Please reach out if you have one to donate


Missionaries at Prayer and Delivery

Another great weekend with many boxes filled that are now in the homes of 60+ families in the Tri-Valley.

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Prayer & Groceries

Come and partner with Tri-Valley Seek & Save by sending your Sunday mornings at 9am in front of Cornerstone Fellowship Livermore to pack boxes for various families in the Tri-Valley.

 Please note Tri-Valley Seek and Save is a separate non-profit mission organization (our own EIN) than our founding organization Seek and Save which helped us launch in the Tri-Valley.


As the Lord sends families in need, He provides the $ required through your donations โœ๏ธ Thank you!

Checks: Tri-Valley Seek and Save: PO Box 701, Livermore CA 94551-0701  EIN: 85-0886717

Give online:  

Also consider: Grant Gifts, Stock Donation, Used Car Donation, or a Motor/Trailer Home

Praise Report:

The Lord had us divide our evangelist team and groceries, one at Cornerstone and one at the Livermore 99 Cent store; after a communication error, we had only 25 cars at church. Jesus had this planned.๐Ÿ˜ Over 100 families received prayer, groceries, and The Gospel- 11 people were Saved- three at Cornerstone, eight at the 99-cent store, adopted by The Father!! ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŽ‰โœ๏ธ


  • An older couple pulled up at the 99-cent store and asked what we were doing. We said, sharing Jesus and giving out groceries. I wondered if they were attending church. Mary, the wife, said she was a Christian and had married Bill  52 years ago, but he has always said no about Jesus. I asked Bill if I could share a story, and he said yes. I told him about the thief on the cross- How my dad came to salvation at 84 by repenting and having faith- I said that his wife would be in heaven, and currently, he was choosing hell. He would be forever separated from her. He looked at me and said he needed a Savior- New in Christ at 11:30 am Saturdayโœ๏ธโœ๏ธ

  • Single mom- three kids; "Yesterday, I was finally given a new medication for my Depression, and it seems to be helping me a lot. Even tho it's just been two days. I am very grateful, Hopeful, and  Full of Faith ๐Ÿ™.